Little Bitty Eagle

I didn't know this stuff

Why do we have global warming and rising oceans? by George Jenias

This article is from the writings of Mr. George Jenias in response to Al Gore and Obama

If you’re in the desert and there’s one green tree growing, and there’s fifteen people there, all of them will be trying to get under the tree.  If you’re talking about air pollution, the tree doesn’t breath air, but it does its part in cleaning air.

We have in the United States and all over the world more factories, hotels, motels resturants, houses, outbuildings, garages, sheds, airports, storage areas.  We have millions of roads that have to lead to every one of these buildings from one end of the world to another.  And we have to concrete them, blacktop them, coat them, right up the the doorway of everything.

On a day when it’s a reasonable temperature, between 85-90 degrees, take your shoes off, walk down a concrete road, or especially a blacktop when the tar is starting to get hot.  You can’t take it.  So run back in your house with an asphalt shingle roof, turn on your air conditioner that makes more heat outside so you can cool your hot feet off inside.

If you have temperatures that are around freezing, everybody builds a fire or contributes to energy use in one form or another.  Which produces pollution in one form or another.  If you cut down all of your trees to build your fire in the wintertime to keep your ass warm, what shades the earth, what keeps the air cool, what stops land erosion?

Additionally from there were set off hundreds of Atomic bombs above ground In the United States (number) and elsewhere in the world (number).  So how much pollution, radiation, heat, and dust were thrown into the air from those wild ass ideas of how to destroy our world?

AND nobody questions this when wondering why so many children have come down with various kinds of cancers and dreaded diseases including immune system disorders. They even have research hospitals dedicated to “finding out” how to cure all this.  Like you don’t already know what causes it.

These same people that have figured out  how to destroy our world have made it thier lifes goal to figure out how to kill us with all their pollution and the things that they convinced us would be good for us.

And then they tell us that if we want to live, we must pay them millions of dollars to treat all the diseases that they caused in the first place.  Which doesn’t work because for every pill you take to cure one thing there are ten side effects that cause something else to go wrong with your body.  Like all of your good ideas before.
Now because you cut down all the trees and plowed up all the land without ever once thinking that all this DIRT that you eroded is going to go to your river, and then to your ocean.  If you don’t believe that every time you see a flood look for pretty clear clean water.  You’ll never see it.

All the land around all of the oceans is continuously being washed away, slowly being degraded by the destruction of topsoil.  If you go and dig a pond, a lake, that has no other escape for the water but evaporation you will go back in 50,60,70 years, and this pond that you dug 15-20 foot deep will have mostly filled in from the water runoff from the land around it.

The ocean tides come in and go out every 24 hours.  Just stand in the current of that wave and experience the force of it.  It is even much stronger during a storm or a tsunami. See if you can imagine how much soil, rock, and debris that might take into the ocean.  Even better watch the footage of the Japan Tsunami and see the houses and cars being rushed away.

Now, go get you a bowl.  Fill it to the rim with water, and see how many handfuls of dirt you can put into it before it runs over.  I have never heard of dirt, stones, and debris washing UPHILL.

And we would have to go down to the ocean banks and drag thousands of warships and planes off the bottom of the ocean from when we had a storm and they sunk.  I’ll bet they displace a lot of liquid. So what makes you think the rocks and dirt are going to come back stupid.

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