Little Bitty Eagle

I didn't know this stuff

Archive for the tag “freedoms”

DNC: The Diabolical National Communist, by Leona

White House Youth CorpsAs Americans, we believe that our rights to live freely will always remain intact because of the constitutional laws that founded this country. However, the very freedoms that were fought so hard to achieve are slowly and silently being taken away right out from under the American people. Perhaps the most disturbing factor in this stealthy operation, we’re allowing it to happen and are surprisingly doing it to ourselves. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves” – Abraham Lincoln.

Like many young Americans that have reached voting age, I was not fully aware of the intricate details in political stances, whether it be Republican, Democrat or even the lesser mentioned third party affiliates. Until recently, I would have considered myself as one of the many sheep being herded blindly by our government. We are being forced into this defecated corner while our wool (money) is being harvested. Now cold and covered in our own crap, we get tagged for the deplorable basket and led off to slaughter.

It is incredible the volume of obvious crimes Secretary Hilary Clinton has committed that go unpunished and seemingly unnoticed in Washington. A recent video posted online by James O’Keefe of an undercover investigation proves the DNC pays out a lot of money to various people, including the mentally unstable and homeless, to incite riots at Trump rallies. Scott Foval, who put plan to action on the ground, explained to the reporter in detail how they accomplish massive voter fraud and have been doing it for decades. The undercover agent was further introduced to other operatives higher on the Clinton chain of command, who were described as diabolical and admired for it. They were just as eager to throw money at their plan to sway people’s opinions about the character of our possible future president. This is not anything new, just a game of analytics and propaganda to the socialist.

It can easily be argued that the media has been biased while covering the recent presidential campaign due to the amount of positive vs. negative filtering on each one of the candidates. Fox News appears to be the only network that will cover both nominees in a controversial light. But even some of their reporters have a problem staying the proper course to only inform the people and not persuade.

The coverage of presidential nominee Donald Trump’s absurd indignities was not nearly as compelling as what was revealed about Secretary Clinton. However, the damning information revealed in correspondence with her political affiliations seem to be less of a focus. The Clintons have been part of their own political foundation for a long time and only benefit more if they achieve the thrown in which they have created within the United States. Evidence already shows that Hilary Clinton holds no issue to being a hypocrite because she admits to having both a public and a private opinion. Telling someone only what they want to hear but doing what you want instead is no doubt the way of someone who is two-faced.

The release of documents show that lots of money has been given to Clinton and her foundation by Wall Street’s business interests for her to give private speeches that tell these powerful companies what they want to hear to make them all richer off the American people. Hilary Clinton is quick to back peddle and shift focus when questioned about the conflicting messages on policy that she holds in front of Americans verses what she tells her campaign donors. Any attorney that holds truth to their law degree would advocate that Clinton’s conduct goes against the most basic rule of law, conflict of interests. However, Secretary Clinton laughs in the face of those who want her to release transcripts of the paid speeches and throws the question in the pile with all the other evidence she destroys or refuses to produce. Yet again, the America people are left with ongoing deceitful rhetoric diversion tactics and no real answers.

As a candidate for president, there are specific ways to talk to the public. Secretary Clinton has been a career politician for three decades and knows how to address the audience platform by speaking on what she knows voters want to hear. Unfortunately, her Republican opponent is not as articulate and ends up leaving the people questioning everything about our election process entirely. It might not be farfetched to consider that the political elite have planned this barrage of idiocracy for a long time and Donald Trump was an easy target.

Bottom line is that Secretary Clinton is a proven liar and a corrupt politician. She has been in cohorts with some of the most immoral and unethical people who send her millions of dollars to gain special access. She is a sellout against America’s future interests by giving the paying hate groups what they want. It is a sad state of affairs when anyone who has their hand deep in local and foreign pockets goes unaffected by what they have done in both their private and public stances.

Secretary Clinton talks a good game but her actions speak volumes in comparison. The American people should be deafened by the overwhelming amount of proof that has come to light. Clinton has done an excellent job of deflecting her behavior onto her opponent Donald Trump by pointing her finger as if she were a toddler on the playground. In regards to the any correspondence that was hacked or leaked, she would rather publicize serious accusations on Russia’s Vladimir Putin in order to draw attention away from the fact that the DNC plays theatrics with Americans like stupid puppets in a marionette show.

Watching the final presidential debate last night worried me extensively. Secretary Clinton’s loose lips will sink ship by when she starts a war with Russia over horrendous allegations against our people while Donald Trump continues to be the missing link with his incoherent business talk. The proof behind the DNC operatives quests too constantly bash anyone that does not agree with their campaign, point fingers and pay for campaign interference shows that they are attempting to rig the system in their favor. They know what they are doing is wrong and illegal but the Democratic approach, which was stated on tape numerous times, is “Don’s ask for permission but beg for forgiveness”.

Our country is being invaded by the scariest of people and Clinton’s campaign wants to allow millions to flood our nation. Criminals and terrorist are being given a key to our back door and are laughing at us while they kill our families through drugs or violent attacks. Why would our government allow so many people to come to this country all at once and take precedence over our own people that have been waiting in the line for years? Control the vote and you will control the population, which is exactly what our current President and the Clintons have been working towards all their lives by tossing up citizenships and giving them an election ballot as the quid pro quo.

In conclusion, the presidential election has become a complete joke and resembles more of circus act then representation of the direction our country should be moving towards. In order to solve this issue we must stand together as born and raised Americans to fight for what founded this country. There is nothing wrong with people from other countries wanting to become citizens, but they need stay at the back of the line while we take care of our own livelihood first.

There needs to be full disclosure on every side of political affiliations before you can be considered to hold a political office and continue throughout the term. Checks and balances need to stay in place to hold anyone suspected of corruption accountable if private investigations provide evidence of crimes that have been committed, especially treasonous acts against our country.

As far as voter fraud is concerned, steps should be implemented for every legitimate voter to verify their citizenship and eligibility to vote. This could be sorted through a black box data system compiled with facial recognitions and fingerprints that would make it impossible for duplicate votes or the use of deceased patrons’ stolen information. As an American with a right to vote on my next president, I take pride in the fact that I have to prove my identity because it lessens the chance that I will be a victim without at least knowing it. If anyone objects to prove who they are to vote – even though it is the law to show identification to get on an airplane, achieve a passport or during common encounters with police officers – then they should not be allowed to cast a ballot. No individual should be able to weigh in on the control of a country if they have a problem proving their exclusive membership to the club.






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A friend sent this message to a person that asked a pointed question in response to a posting that they might be terminated on Facebook for not furnishing an ID to verify who they were and where they could be found with links. Their account was an alias nickname, and the post contained no trace of an opinion on the situation. If this person had bothered to look they might have found that the person was on the internet as themselves in many places already. I can only assume they were not internet savvy enough to do a simple search.

The question was:   “WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?”

Anyone that knows anything about the internet would have no problem finding out who I am. I have been on the internet for over ten years.  My personal information is surely on there somewhere, how could you hide that?  So basically nothing is really hidden at all. Anyone that ever bought anything from me knows who I am AND my address and email address.  (NOTE: I furnish that as a matter of course) The government knows who I am.  They have my social security number. Here’s my email address: (NOTE EMAIL OMITTED, but they did actually furnish it)

But I have a definite problem with some private organization having my personal information on their computer to UN-securely lose or post without my permission. I do not post my name or address on the internet, nor do I put my picture on the internet.  If you have seen the number of hackers and criminals and people from foreign countries that prey on defenceless people then you understand.  I am not defenceless, but I do not wish to make things easy for any underhanded people to come to my home and upset my life, online or in real life.  It’s one thing to voluntarily give someone your personal information. But to just had it willy nilly to every stranger that shows up on the internet is not something I wish to do.

So, if you want to know what motivated me in the first place to do as I do, then that is the answer.  I am not HIDING from anyone. I am in fact not really hidden at all.  I am avoiding needless complications. Now, if I had the money to pay a security company to protect me then I could afford a whole lot of other things, including putting all my personal information online. Including inviting every tom, dick and harry to come visit me on my front porch. I don’t wish to offend anyone, but if you buy something from me you’ll know my entire name and address. And you might find that I’m a (age omitted) year old grandmother just trying to sell my possessions.  And, I might add, all my posessions are in my home. Ask me why I don’t just invite everyone in the world to come over and have a party.

AND I have had ample experience with these additional categories:

Having my “alias” and that corresponding email being used to take out accounts in that name and getting emails in that inbox informing me that I have to verify that account.

Or getting bills to my alias for which there naturally is no way to pay for them.

Or getting emails of the same ilk to my website which bill me for things I never charged or bought.

Or having my alias used to get traffic to some Russian or French, or German website by hijacking it into their own website code.

Or having my graphics that I designed myself, and for which I own the legal copyright hijacked to another website by having them linked to directly and fed from my website.

Directly linking for your information costs me money that I do not have.

AND I will add that I have lived where a business was located next door to a residence, and seen people knock on the door at 2am to get a part, climb a privacy fence to get attention for what they wanted repeatedly.  So I know well how a business or anything else can be used to invade someones privacy null and void. Imagine your children in the backyard behind a privacy fence and some YAY-HOO pops his head up over the fence to ask for a part, and on a weekend no less when the closed signs are evident on the business door.

Just remember, if that had not been an alias, if it had been my real name and address, I might be in the hole for something for which I never did in the first place.  I might owe money when I never bought anything.  And I might easily have been one of those statistics of people that have had their identity stolen and their lives ruined.

When all those emails go to an alias account I can for sure identify where and what.  I can pinpoint that it was not directed at me personally.

Any other way would be extremely stupid.  And if anyone thinks you can deterr or fight criminals by acting like a nice wind blows through your brain person that’s open about every single thing they are and own, then you are delusional. Or a criminal trying to make others think you a righteous sounding person.

Your question was “WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?” I say that you are first stating that I am hiding.  You are making assumptions based on whatever you like.  You are the one that is saying that I’m HIDING.  You don’t know me well enough to assume I’m anything at all.  I might be a 9 year old amusing myself with old farts. I might be anything at all, but you make an assumption.  In fact, you make a statement about a person you know nothing about. And I say I’m not hiding me or anything from the people that like and care about me.  And for sure I’m not hiding anything that can reasonably already be found on the internet or from a database. But the focus is now on this imaginary person that is “HIDING”.

Why do you want to know the answer to that question?
Is it because you care about and like me?
Is it because you are intrigued and wish to know me better?
Is it because you are suspicious?
Is it because you are on a crusade?
Is it because you are spiteful?
Is it because you are a stalker?
Is it because you have time on your hands and nothing else to do with it?
Is it because you’re from the government?
Who are you?
Where do YOU live?
What’s your phone number?
What is YOUR email?


I have always felt that someone that points a direct question like that at someone elses private life without knowing them or meeting them makes me think that you have a lot more to hide than I might.

This isn’t communist country.
I don’t have to verify everything I am or who I am
to every stranger that requests it.

So check your own closet.


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I have been seeing this phrase “Assault Type Weapon” in the news almost every time a criminal or nut case shoots someone.  They always describe the firearm that was used in the shooting as a weapon that is “Assault TYPE”

From Fox news today:

“Banks said the suspected shooter – who was armed with an “assault-type rifle” and a handgun — also was dead inside the club . . . ”

“It appears he was organized and well-prepared,” the chief said, adding that the shooter had an assault-type weapon, a handgun and “some type of (other) device on him.”

This is a term that has not yet been explained in any way that makes sense.  First, an Assault Weapon is any weapon that is used to ASSAULT someone.  And among the things that have been used to attack people and kill them are:

Nail guns
Basball bats
Ice picks
Glass shards
Metal rods
Boiling water etc . . . etc . . . so on, so forth

And these people that are insisting that there are assault type weapons are not being specific. In fact, in reality, anything that can be used to attack someone is an assault weapon.  And therefore should be phrased as THE WEAPON USED TO ASSAULT, not an assault TYPE.


This overlooked fact will be lost on the public, who assume that an assault type weapon just looks like whatever your imagination cooks up.  I am guessing, that they are referring to a rifle that appears to be in the style of an weapon only legally used by those in the military, among others.  In other words it “looks like” a type of weapon.

I’m assuming they are referring to fully automatic firearms, which are, and have been illegal for someone without a special license to actually own.

These firearms will shoot multiple rounds of ammunition, one after the other, with one trigger pull held down.  They are legal for our military to carry and use, and only people who go through an extensive process can become licensed to own one.  I am assuming this is what an “assault type weapon is”  in the minds of those that use this phrase.

The point is, you, as a regular person in the United States cannot just run out to the store and buy one.  You as a regular citizen cannot just go get a machine gun to use.

A style is not a category of function.  There are many weapons made to appear to be scary looking, but only shoot one bullet at a time, and many of them little bitty .22 shots.  They appear to be like an assault weapon, and YES they can be used to assault someone.  But a knife is an assault weapon, and appears to be just exactly what it is.  You can chop veggies with it, or you can kill an intruder or not with it.  The function is what you actually  use it for.  The description is that it is a knife.  The style is what it looks like:

Actually I was wrong there.  It’s nothing but a knife until you stab someone with it.  After you stab them, it then is an assault weapon.  But not an assault “type” weapon.

No, wrong again.  It’s the weapon used to assault them with.  Oh my, I’m getting confused.  It’s all sooooooo confusing.  Which is the point, I think.

Do you see what is being done here with the English language?  It’s an important distinction that is being used to create a whole new category of scary weapons for the public.  And it also makes perfectly legal to own weapons, the ones that are not fully automatic weapons so scary that they can move to ban having them.

They don’t ban nail guns.  And a nail gun can be used to shoot someone with.  OR NOT. It can also be used to nail things together. I hesitate to mention it because now some criminal is going to be going to Lowes or Home Depot to get one.  Heck, a saw blade can kill someone, albiet very slowly.  Sheesh.  Why don’t they gather up all those phsychos?

People who are American citizens go through a legal background check to be able just to carry a pistol.

People who are American citizens are fingerprinted, background checked, and VERIFIED as to whether they are a felon or a wife beater or a murderer, OR a phycho.

And lastly, People who are American citizens also are required to take a training course which doesn’t JUST teach how to safely shoot a firearm, but teaches when, where, and what you are not supposed to shoot and in what situation this is permissable.  The courses for just THAT part take hours to complete, and you have to pass a test after this and if you fail this test you do not get a carry permit.  You are supposed to be prosecuted for illegally applying or somthing like that.  Don’t hold me to this statement, I’m not sure about the specifics on being prosecuted for that.  Anyway, you should be.

So before you ignore this term that the media is using, the term “Assault Type Weapon”, think about this.

That regular rifle that someone got for Christmas one year to go target shooting with is being defamed with a crap phrase made up by people wanting to have all guns confiscated.

It is also being put on a list for weapons that need to be banned by those people in power in Washington and elsewhere that are pushing for abolishing our Constitution the way it is worded.  Common hunting and common target shooting rifles are being put on this list.{%22search%22%3A[%22\%22hr4269\%22%22]}&resultIndex=1

And it’s also pretty darned obvious to me that “Assault Type Weapon” is not the only “catch phrase” that the corrupt media outlets are using nowdays and for quite some time.

Pay attention to the way people say things.  Don’t assume they say what is true.
I heard somone on PBS one time refer to a not automatic weapon as an automatic weapon when it was NOT an automatic weapon.  They acted as if they didn’t even understand the function of one or the other.

It’s important as hell what come out of their mouths.  So, if it’s fair for people like that to lie about the truth, then it’s fair to TELL the truth in response.

And that is the meaning of THAT.

Why do we have global warming and rising oceans? by George Jenias

This article is from the writings of Mr. George Jenias in response to Al Gore and Obama

If you’re in the desert and there’s one green tree growing, and there’s fifteen people there, all of them will be trying to get under the tree.  If you’re talking about air pollution, the tree doesn’t breath air, but it does its part in cleaning air.

We have in the United States and all over the world more factories, hotels, motels resturants, houses, outbuildings, garages, sheds, airports, storage areas.  We have millions of roads that have to lead to every one of these buildings from one end of the world to another.  And we have to concrete them, blacktop them, coat them, right up the the doorway of everything.

On a day when it’s a reasonable temperature, between 85-90 degrees, take your shoes off, walk down a concrete road, or especially a blacktop when the tar is starting to get hot.  You can’t take it.  So run back in your house with an asphalt shingle roof, turn on your air conditioner that makes more heat outside so you can cool your hot feet off inside.

If you have temperatures that are around freezing, everybody builds a fire or contributes to energy use in one form or another.  Which produces pollution in one form or another.  If you cut down all of your trees to build your fire in the wintertime to keep your ass warm, what shades the earth, what keeps the air cool, what stops land erosion?

Additionally from there were set off hundreds of Atomic bombs above ground In the United States (number) and elsewhere in the world (number).  So how much pollution, radiation, heat, and dust were thrown into the air from those wild ass ideas of how to destroy our world?

AND nobody questions this when wondering why so many children have come down with various kinds of cancers and dreaded diseases including immune system disorders. They even have research hospitals dedicated to “finding out” how to cure all this.  Like you don’t already know what causes it.

These same people that have figured out  how to destroy our world have made it thier lifes goal to figure out how to kill us with all their pollution and the things that they convinced us would be good for us.

And then they tell us that if we want to live, we must pay them millions of dollars to treat all the diseases that they caused in the first place.  Which doesn’t work because for every pill you take to cure one thing there are ten side effects that cause something else to go wrong with your body.  Like all of your good ideas before.
Now because you cut down all the trees and plowed up all the land without ever once thinking that all this DIRT that you eroded is going to go to your river, and then to your ocean.  If you don’t believe that every time you see a flood look for pretty clear clean water.  You’ll never see it.

All the land around all of the oceans is continuously being washed away, slowly being degraded by the destruction of topsoil.  If you go and dig a pond, a lake, that has no other escape for the water but evaporation you will go back in 50,60,70 years, and this pond that you dug 15-20 foot deep will have mostly filled in from the water runoff from the land around it.

The ocean tides come in and go out every 24 hours.  Just stand in the current of that wave and experience the force of it.  It is even much stronger during a storm or a tsunami. See if you can imagine how much soil, rock, and debris that might take into the ocean.  Even better watch the footage of the Japan Tsunami and see the houses and cars being rushed away.

Now, go get you a bowl.  Fill it to the rim with water, and see how many handfuls of dirt you can put into it before it runs over.  I have never heard of dirt, stones, and debris washing UPHILL.

And we would have to go down to the ocean banks and drag thousands of warships and planes off the bottom of the ocean from when we had a storm and they sunk.  I’ll bet they displace a lot of liquid. So what makes you think the rocks and dirt are going to come back stupid.

THE “AFFORDABLE” Healthcare “Plan”


I didn’t know this stuff, but I want to know

This was an email that was sent by a man to ********* after seeing him speak on TV about Obamercare
My reaction to even thinking about the “Affordable” health care.  But first, a background
on welfare abuse from the perspective of one that has witnessed a lot of it.

NOTE: This is NOT about disabled, senior citizens, military vetrans, low income working class people, those that have lost a job and really cannot find work,  or those in a temporary situation such as the death of a spouse. It is for those who are completely capable of working but would rather sit around like they are owed something.

I am remembering that my spouse and I have sat in front of the TV, and every night that we watch the news about the healthcare proposed changes, we got more and more depressed about those things that seemed as if we could do nothing about.

Being retired and having a fixed income means that it does not change to make up for anything the government decides to add on to it.  That means you get a check for the same amount every month and it never changes.  It doesn’t get more when the food prices get higher, or more when taxes get higher, or more for emergencies, or more for anything.  Medicare, and health insurance that doesn’t cover office visits for us. And if there is a yearly deductible of $1000, then we have to sell something we own to cover that. We are running out of things to sell.

In our long working lives we have seen the welfare system create a generation of people that are parasitic on those in the United States that work hard for a living, who work to pay their own way, EVEN when sometimes not able bodied enough to do so.

During a time when I was too old to be doing it, I cleaned up (and repaired) many of the government rental houses that were trashed by them.  I once fixed the walls in a rental home that had at least 500 holes in each wall.  Another had a floor that was so slick with grease that you could not walk without falling down in the kitchen. In the bathrooms of these places you dare not sit on the toilet for fear of catching something that you couldn’t get rid of.  All the toilets were stopped up, all the places were filthy.

DCS would come in every so often to inspect the hourse while they lived in them. The DCS official inspector would say:

This house is not fit to live in, that these people need a house that has screens on the windows, (but it had screens when they moved in)
The carpets are filthy, they can’t live in these conditions (The carpet was brand new when they moved in)
The door frames are broken (They were not previous to the tenant living there)
The commodes don’t flush, the lines are stopped up. (Okay, they were working when they moved in)
The linoleum in the bathroom is torn up (Again, it was not, it was brand new when they moved in)
The wood is rotten around the tub (It was brand new when WE installed it before they moved in)
The walls have holes in them (I personally patched some that appeared to have been shot with a shotgun)
The kitchen drains don’t work (same thing)
The stove is full of grease and is a fire hazard (no kidding)

And anything else that you can think of that is messed up, neglected, and destroyed such as the safety bannisters on the entrance steps and the steps was the responsibility of whomever owned the property. But the whole point of this list is that the house, according to DCS rules was unfit to live in.  Which meant that the welfare recipient now got a whole new home! Actually it turned out to be a whole new house to destroy. I know this because I was one of the two people that repaired these homes and cleaned them afterward.

I would find old mail they had left that showed what their incomes from the governement checks had been, and bank statements that showed what they had wasted that money on, such as wide screen tv’s and much more.

At that time I did not even have a home of my own, even though I was working over 10 hours a day, no weekends off, and had no health insurance.  I did this for many years before I could afford to have a home of my own.

At that time, I learned that these young people, with children that they had birthed, even though we now in modern times have birth control, were getting from the government, (and by default from my pocketbook), rent, food, benefits and such.

And that these benefits totalled more per month than I made in TWO months.

I thought:  “I took birth control and never had a child out of wedlock.”
I thought:  “I do not even have the time to attempt to correct these problems.”
I thought:  “They get this for free, and STILL trash the house?”
I thought:  “They are younger, stronger, and have a place to live.”
I thought:  “They are having babies, and going to the hospital with them”
I thought:  “What am I going to do if there is an emergency?  I’m not a minority”
I thought:  “Now that I’ve ruptured the tendons in the bottom of both my feet,
how am I going to pay for it?  They dont’ have any problem. They have health insurance”

My point is that the money was and is there until you give it all away to some lazy, good for nothing person that will:

Only have indiscriminate sex and doesn’t bother to use birth control.
Can afford enough food stamps to feed themselves to an obese state and  . .
Eat until they weigh 400 pounds and claim “fat-disablility” and at the same time running around the grocery store in an automated cart.

ARE disabled because they are so overweight they can’t hold their weight up without damage, or causes heart problems.
Have babies one right after the other without getting married to keep the government check coming each month.
Make the government (i.e. US the taxpayers) pay for it all.
Pretend to have a disability long after they have recovered
Then sit around watching tv at home instead of getting a JOB.

And I still pay taxes that pay for their babies, fat, housing, medical, and lazyness, greed, and sloth. And I have had to watch people like that on YouTube demaing their “FREE STUFF”

It is all out of control, and so are they, and so is this government. It’s called “RE-DISTRIBUTION”

And among the things that cannot be controlled:
Birth Control without an abortion.  (But then each child ups the check amount so that’s not expedient)
Birth Control although there are ump-teen kinds you can purchase over the counter.
Birth Control even though your free health care can get pills for that.
Birth Control because closing your legs might be one option

Eating because eating the most fattening food will help a lot with that cholesterol problem
Eating because eating more shows how much control you have over your greed
Eating because even if you get too fat to stand on your own two feet, at least you don’t have to work

It angers me badly that the government whines about there not being enough MONEY. There always WAS enough money.  It has been given and is still being given away.  The people who work to support all this are angry too, more than enough.  It is being wasted by the billions, millions, TRILLIONS.  You can’t even imagine in your brain what a million dollars even looks like can you?

We have watched our benefits and those privileges that were originally intended to be given to United States citizens, be arbitrarily handed over to people from other countries that are NOT citizens, NOT tax payers, and do not even know the English language.  And many of them marry U.S. citizens to do just that.

And some states are now even voting for or allowing non-US citizens to VOTE.  Fancy that. They get to vote on things that affect MY life.  They get to help decide what laws are happening, and what affect the lives of a US citizen.  How odd is THAT?

It should be a requirement that if you marry here and live here, then you should learn English and become an American citizen.  And not before that should you be allowed to gain those privileges. At least I thought that was the way it actually worked.

In fact, many of them do not even like the United States, and say so quite openly, even though they live here and benefit from what U.S. taxpayers pay taxes every year for.  Social Security was never meant to be used for anyone that wasn’t a U.S. citizen.  But now I hear that is not the case any more.

And they say that the Social Security System is in danger?  How odd.

And what about the jobs that are given away every day to other countries? That’s a whole separate subject.

And what about borrowing money from countries that do not even like Americans?  You do know that if you borrow money, you have to have collateral.  What is the collateral for THAT?  THE UNITED STATES? And when you default on a loan?  Do you lose your country?

And what about buying United States property outright?  How soon is it that the whole of it is owned by other people in other countries?

We watch the news all the time now that we cannot work.  We are amazed, mollified, upset, angered, horrified, and any other word you might apply to this situation. We found out some of the reasons why people that work cannot make ends meet even though they work like dogs to do it.

We watch our tax money already being used to finance people who breed indiscriminately and then let us pay for their fun PARTY time and lazy slothful ways. We have paid this way our whole lives, but in the early years this was not the norm.  So we have a reference for government benefits.  These benefits do not somehow apply to us.  In order to recieve those kind of benefits you have to fit a category that is not totally us. We make just under $100 too much to qualify for the “FREEBIES”

We are not even middle class.  We have an ancient house that will never be done working on. We got it because it was cheap and a wreck, and a place to have a home, hoping to make a lot of improvements to it over the years. And can’t even afford to get the foundation fixed.

We worked to have our house.  Nobody bought it for us.  And we worked so very hard to pay for it that we damaged our bodies to pay those bills.  Now we need help because we have paid the bills all our lives, and they are bleeding everyone like us totally dry to pay for the people on welfare already.

Do you honestly think that we can afford to pay more taxes to furnish health care for those that are the way they are by choice?  As far as I’m concerned, before they start thinking about taxing US citizens to pay for them, they had better weed out those that are really needy. In other words:


And let me be very plain on the subject.  Government money IS our money. But it’s made out to be as if it is a bill that we owe this group called government.

I am getting to be the age where not having an income is a real worry.  If I were young and strong like I used to be, it would not be a problem.  And I worked, and I still work.  I resent giving part of my work and life to any lazy person. In fact I resent it entirely.

Find some other freaking way to pay for them.  I’m tired of it. And I can’t see paying for someone else’s health care by spending any part of my life doing it. Even if I’m not totally covered myself.  If I can’t afford to pay for the total health care that I have, then how am I supposed to cover the extra taxes to pay for their’s?

If this sounds like nothing like an article on The “Affordable Care Act”, then lets go there.

Your average person, us included, doesn’t even know what this complicated bunch of papers, “the healthcare bill” MEANS.  They have not read it, and should they attempt to do so, it is so full of legal jargon and wording the average person could not understand that you need a lawyer to interpret it.

And Nancy Pelosi said “You’d have to read it”

And they do not trust the people in charge to really “interpret” it.

Additionally, most of them also do not have the time to read it, even if it could be understood.  They just know what they want.  I am a part of both of those groups.  I am very articulate, can write like a fiend, but understand all that?  Good grief, what those opposed to the bill must be having to go through trying just to make sure nothing out of the ordinary is being done.  How could you police such a thing.

But for the person that works for a living, and doesn’t have health insurance, they are puzzled that the welfare recipients have this and they do not, even though they are working like fiends to keep the bills paid and food on the table quite literally.  They don’t have time to do anything but that.  In my case, when anyone would ask if I had seen a certain tv show, I’d tell them I did not have time for that either.

They do not feel that they can do anything about it.  They feel as if the rich and the powerful people in the United States, and the poor lazy greedy people can get what they want, and the rest of us have to take whatever law or thing is decided from up high.

I believe this is another social program that is fixing to go the way of what I previously described. If welfare programs can’t be monitored for those that abuse it, what makes anyone think that healthcare payed for by other working people is any different?  At least with Social Security and Medicare (basic), you are expected to pay into the system yourself for a period of time before being able to draw out of it.  OH, I forgot, they changed that TOO!

My questions are:

Please if you have a solution, email me back and let me know.

And some more great links to parodies on this subject:

Who owns the media?


I didn’t know this stuff, but I want to know

I have long wondered why my local news has not been the same for several years.  It seems to no longer actually put much news on. In fact, what they put on for news is crap like giveaways, stupid dog tricks, how to do chain saw sculpture, but not news.

It started out just being a little annoying.  After paying attention closely I found it was much more than that.  It was downright SPOOKY. Some media outlets actually are partly owned by other countries!  And some of them also own companies that do quite different things than give out news.

In light of all of that I thought it expendient to post links to some places to get information about the media (newspapers, radio, etc.) and how it works nowdays.  Included are links to how censorship and propaganda work.



America is like a big CLUB


I didn’t know this stuff, but I want to know


My relatives were living in the Americas before it was the United States of America. (NOTE: I do not believe that makes me better than a recent American!  And . . . I never knew those old people, I’m not old enough) My parents were children of immigrants, or their parents were, or their parents were, so on and so forth. Other relatives were native Americans. My father and mother paid taxes to the government, so did I.  And they taught me to be an American, as did my teachers in school.

Every morning before starting classes in grade school, we said the Pledge To The Allegiance, and sung a patriotic song, and said a prayer. We put our hand over our heart in respect to the American flag, and America.  In fact, the American FLAG was standing in the corner at the front of the room in each and every classroom, and stayed there day and night.  We could see it all day long in class!  We bowed our heads when we prayed in respect to our God and Country.  We learned Respect and Reverence for this country.

(NOTE: I do not believe that everyone should be required to have a religion, as that is illegal in the United States Of America anyway)  Worship as you like, or don’t worship at all.  If you’re American you are free to choose. You just don’t have the right to make other people in America worship the way you want them to.

Anyway, whenever we said the Pledge of Allegiance, at the end of the Pledge, we would say “Indivisible, under God”, our little hearts swelled with pride, sometimes bringing a tear to our eye.  We were taught many other values, but being an American we learned what all that meant.

I say all this not because I think that it’s my way or the highway.  I am only describing a process and patriotism that people who have lived here for long years experienced.  A description so to speak.  Each country I guess has a similar process that they teach children, but what we teach children here is unique.  But here in America we are no different.  We think we are special in many respects.


Our ancestors fought and died by the thousands to even have this country.  And many more have died fighting to keep it. I am lucky to even be here, because my father could have been one of those that did not come back after World War Two.  So please keep this in mind when you read what I believe is the opinion of most Americans.  Those of you who came from countries that you got chased out of understand the implications of all this.


You get certain good things from joining the American Club, although there are some requirements.  You swear loyalty to the flag and the Constitution of The United States of America, The Constitution of The United States (for which it stands), and you pay dues in the form of taxes.  You gotta love America and be loyal to what it stands for.  (I’m big on the loyalty)

You can’t just be a foreign person that comes to The United States and sit your hind end down on the land in this country, and say you’re here, you hate America, give me some stuff I deserve it, or I’m needy, or poor me, or I can’t help it, or whatever excuse there is for not going through the membership process, and the loyalty part.  Presently, (aside from the absence of a lie detector test) there is no measure of loyalty except the willingness to swear to it. There is a line of thought that says you ought to take a lie detector test to prove it.  I tend to agree.

All you have to do is say it.  Some people take an oath like that seriously, and others do not.  The ones that don’t should be slapped roundly, because not meaning it is a lie, and that makes you a liar.

If you don’t do these things then you can’t be part of the club.  (NOTE: the lines are attempting to be blurred here too and most Americans don’t approve of that)  All the many people demanding rights when they are not even members of the club enrages many. They don’t have those rights because they have not met the requirements for being a real American citizen. There is even an ongoing dispute as to what a natural born American is.  Fancy that.


If you are not a member please apply to be one, then fulfill the requirements of membership, and then you’re an American.  If not, then you’re not an American, and you’re not a member, and you don’t have the rights of membership. Go home if you don’t want to join and be loyal and contribute.  Being an American is not just all about your rights, it’s about everyone.

It’s against the law, for you to have American rights and not be an American.  Especially using money from the taxes that other Americans pay that are paid by everyone that has citizenship to waste.  That’s one of the requirements.  (although nowdays I’m not so sure because the lines are being blurred, and extremely so)

And that is why those Americans that see this happening get extremely angry.  They are not bigots.  They are not prejudiced except to the point that what’s good for the goose is also good for the gander.  THEY have to follow these rules.  And they believe anyone else that comes here should too.  It is an injustice to do otherwise.  It is not fair to those Americans that are following the rules of the club.

And P.S.  Most everyone here mainly speaks English so learn a second language (the one most people understand here).  When you drive a car the roadsigns are in English.  How the heck would you read them?  Even if you memorized each and every one, when they put up roadsigns with emergency cautions for emergencies, those are quite frequently different than the regular ones.  Note, Amber Alerts?

And all policemen don’t know any other language than English.  You see the problem here.

It might take a while, you might not do it perfectly, but people, on the whole appreciate just the fact that you are making an effort.  Who gives a poop whether you have an accent?  The point is that you are trying to communicate. People appreciate that. Then most everyone will understand what you’re trying to say.  And it won’t be so difficult for you to get around. The down side of not doing this is that people get a puzzled look on their faces and shrug a lot and not understand anything that comes out of your mouth.  (what if you need to find a bathroom?)

We even teach our children not to ask and not point for what they want.  We require them to speak instead of pointing.

Free speech is about communication, not acting like an untrained child. Of course you are free to do that, after all it’s America.

If you learn English then you also can also understand who and what you are voting for and not have to reley on what someone else tells you about the people running for office. Sure Americans come from all kinds of countries, we all know that.  We understand how difficult it is to learn English, especially for the elderly. But get with the program and people will start to understand your point of view.


If they really are an American, each person actually learns how to be an American at some point or another, whether you grew up with it, or just recently came to it.  If you come here and bring your UN American ways of living and thinking, then you get the comparable results to what you used to live. You want to be a Communist, Marxist, Socialist, then leave it where you came from.  Americans never did want all that control over their lives, and still don’t.  If you basically think that people need to be controlled by some other source that knows better what is right in this world, then that thinking does not fit here in America.

Being free doesn’t mean free to take what doesn’t belong to you.  It doesn’t mean free lunch, free government benefits, free housing, free money.  (Even though it has been temporarily made that way in some ways, and which other people Americans end up paying for.)  It doesn’t mean free to hurt other people. It doesn’t mean free to take whatever is handed to you and then be disloyal to everything that America stands for.  For sure it doesn’t mean burning the American Flag.

America would not be special if anybody could just hop on over here and take what they want, get what they want, American or not. And the requirements are not sacrificial.  The requirements are not strenuous.  They are not hard to do.

FREE means free to speak, free to live without someone spying on you and taking your stuff.  Free to make yourself happy and be whatever you decide to be. Free to practise whatever faith you want. Free to own your own part of land and home and place to raise your children. You don’t get that when a government controls all aspects of your life.  You don’t get that from other governments because the ability to make decisions has been taken away from you and given to the government.


Most Americans are angered when someone that is not an American Citizen comes here for an education or to work and then proceed to try to influence everyone else to their way, the way they lived or do live in whatever other country. Or, like several that I have met, baldly bad mouth anything American while they benefit from what is in America.  Most Americans would say without hesitating:

“If you don’t like what we are here.  If you don’t like America or Americans. Then go back to your own country.”

In other words:  If you aren’t a member of the club then you don’t deserve to get the perks. Especially since the perks are paid for by other Americans. Don’t call it government money because it came from taxpayers.  And they worked for that money.  That’s why they get so upset when it’s wasted.


And additionally, Americans believe that what we enjoy was paid for with great sacrifice and payment and again, LOYALTY.
If you act as if you hate America, Americans, and the things that it stands for, then people wonder why you decided to become and American in the first place.

There must have been SOME reason that you thought it a good idea to be American.  If you are a new American or old.  Why is it that you love being American?  Why did you decide to be an American? Why did you leave somewhere else to be an American?  What can you do as an American that you could not do where you lived before? If you are an American, would you move to another country and change your nationality?

MLK Letter from Prison, 1963

Just caught my eye while in the Reader

The New Fascism

Another view and correlation with modern times . . .

Kingsjester's Blog

White House Youth Corps My late father was one of thousands of brave young American men, who landed on the beaches of Normandy , France on June 6, 1944, in the military operation which broke the backs of the Nazis, leading to the end of World War II,  now known as D-Day.

World War II was a war against Fascism.

What is Fascism? Per, it is a

political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Ladies and gentlemen I firmly believe that America is now fighting a new war against fascism.

It’s not a war that is being fought fought with guns and bullets, But instead with state referendums Congressional votes executive orders and judicial activism.

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There are still people alive today that lived this


I didn’t know this stuff, but I want to know


The first several years of Hitlers propaganda was to get all people to rally around HIM.  Then it was about the hating and mistrusting Jews and undesireables. Ultimately, he took over the government and suspended the German Constitution.

The Jews (and other undesireables) were an endless number of people that he could work to death without having to pay or even feed. They went to the work camps to be worked to death for nothing.  But the first thing he did was find out where everyone that was armed was AT, where the wealth was AT, where those things he wanted that furthered his power were AT.

Then after he found out where the armed people were, he sent SS (his secret service) out to disarm everyone that he knew had guns that did not AGREE with him.  The ones that agreed with him were the ones he sent to get the guns. After he had their guns they had no way to protect themselves from being taken, killed, or whatever Hitler wished to do with them.

When Hitler became dictator of Germany, he had absolute control of all military, all decisions, of everything that the country did.  Where all the money was spent, etc . . . He could determine who lived and who died. He could determine who went to jail.

He did not like people who could protect themselves.  He especially did not like Britain. Anybody that he didn’t like was made out to be, and projected as radical, against the german people, and dangerous. He even went so far as to burn the books that spoke of freedom and the people themselves wanted.

But THIS is a new time.  If Hitler would have had the internet, facebook, news programs, networks, he could have hired, or put in place “Internet gurus, public relations, press secretaries, media influence. He actually did use media influence and propaganda, but not exactly as in modern times.


FACT CHECKING Where you can do it

Little Bitty Eagle logo


FACT CHECKING WEBSITE links and Information about the subject

I’d like to post a bunch of links to fact checking websites where you can compare whether or what is true or not. NOTE:  There is some ongoing discussion about the net about which ones are biased, and I am not yet experienced in this, so you are in the same boat that I am as to whether they are valid or not. I quit when I got tired of looking.  As always, you can contact me if you find a good link to add to this list.  (liberal?)  (conservative?) (conservative)  (also a good site for checking political candidates)

ARTICLES ABOUT FACT CHECKERS (not comprehensive, just where I left off)


About the Oath Keepers

Here is information about the Oath Keepers direct from their About Page:

“About Oath Keepers
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders  who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial. See the Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey for details.”

This is the first paragraph and the rest of their bylaws are on this page.  As far as I can see, everything is according to Hoyle, and correlates to the Constitution.  And there are ten others.

“Below is a summary of the ten orders listed in the Declaration, that Oath Keepers pledge to not obey, as part of keeping their official oaths:

1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.

2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrantless searches of the American people . . . . “

Oath Keepers – What Is Behind The Bundy Ranch Siege?

I had read many articles about this subject. I’ve not seen this on my local news channel, but it’s all over the internet.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » What Is Behind The Bundy Ranch Siege?.

40 Oklahoma Sheriffs Asked To Disarm – They Leave Instead

I just happened upon this article.  I haven’t read it in detail, but it’s kind of alarming.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » 40 Oklahoma Sheriffs Asked To Disarm – They Leave Instead.

What is an OLIGARCHY? (Yuck)


I didn’t know this stuff, but I want to know

Here are some links on what an Oligarchy is.  Heck, it sounds like something you don’t want to eat.  Now I AM confused . . .



What is a Democracy?


I didn’t know this stuff, but I want to know

I wanted to know this too, since they say America The United States Of is one of those.  NOTE:  There is some discussion about it being an OLIGARCHY, and I don’t know what that means, but I’ll do another post on that.  Then I’ll know the answer to that question.

Click to access Democracy-in-Brief_kor.pdf


(Un) Common Core – Where gun controllers indoctrinate THEIR idea of the 2nd Amendment

This is shocking enough . . .

US Constitution Series 7: Liberty, Enterprise vs. Free Stuff

Another good blog


Dinner Topics for Wednesday

From The 5,000 Year Leap—A Miracle that Changed the World

By W. Cleon Skousen

keyThe utopian schemes of leveling [redistribution of the wealth], and a community of goods [central ownership of all the means of production and distribution], are as visionary and impracticable as those which vest all property in the Crown. [These ideas] are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, unconstitutional. ~Samuel Adams (p.119)

US Constitution Series 7: The Proper Role of Government is to Protect Equal Rights, Not provide Equal Things

Equal Opportunity, Liberty of Enterprise, NOT Equal Income, NOT Free Stuff

redistsocialismillustratedIn Europe, during the days of the Founders, a popular idea was that government should take from the “haves” and give to the “have nots” so that all might be truly “equal.” However, the American Founders believed that this idea contained a huge fallacy.

Suppose a kind-hearted man saw that one of…

View original post 779 more words

Ignoring the Constitution

This entire blog is pretty darned good

Many of us look at our country today and wonder where the experiment in self-government went wrong. With the President’s approval rating as of an April 2014 Gallup poll of 43% and Congress’s approval rating hovering around 12% to 14%, more and more Americans are feeling disenfranchised and want to blame the Constitution as the source of the problems saying  its outdated, needs changing or should just be eliminated altogether as some die hard socialists and communists advocate.


The truth however is not that the Constitution does not work, it’s that all too often it’s just  ignored or bypassed as a matter, the politicians claim, of practicality.  The passing of the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare is a good example of this bypassing of the founders intent.

Art. I, Sec. 7 part 1 of the US Constitution states

“All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives…

View original post 1,172 more words

What are the Federalist Papers and other founding documents?

There were other written documents that were involved in the founding of the United States Of America, and until I reached a ripe old age I did not even KNOW they existed!  See what I mean, I really didn’t know that stuff.  Here are some links to informatinon on these additional documents.  I will add any valuable links to this article as I find them.  Most were found from a Google search.  I firmly believe these documents tell what was in the minds of those that wrote our founding documents.  After all, they did write them, and they did it without a ball point pen or a computer.

The Federalist Papers graphic from Wikipedia article on the same

The Federalist Papers graphic from Wikipedia article on the same

The Federalist Papers are a series of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution. Seventy-seven were published serially in The Independent Journal and The New York Packet between October of 1787 and August 1788. A compilation of these and eight others, called The Federalist; or, The New Constitution, was published in two volumes in 1788 by J. and A. McLean.[1] The series’ correct title is The Federalist; the title The Federalist Papers did not emerge until the twentieth century.

Federalist Papers Authorship & Purpose

Click to access MAGGS.pdf

Click to access federalist-papers-in-modern-language.pdf


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